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Issue 4.2 

Summer 2024

Lance Newman


This is a selection from Proverbs of Earth, a manuscript of very short poems made from words that occur in Henry Thoreau’s Walden. One of William Blake’s "Proverbs of Hell" reads, “Eternity is in love with the productions of time.” Proverbs of Earth explores the harmonic interference between an antique lexicon and contemporary experience.

Lance Newman teaches literature, media, and writing at Westminster University in Salt Lake City. His poems have appeared in magazines in the US, the UK, and Australia. He has published two chapbooks: Come Kanab (Dusie, 2007) and 3by3by3 (Beard of Bees, 2010).

Lance's Book Recommendation


Lorine Niedecker: Collected Works, Jenny Penberthy, ed. (‎University of California Press, 2002).

Time trusts roots well sunk in sand.

The sun warms pines in order.

A shimmering black feather

lofts into shelving light.

Life lies at the bottom

of a thawing marsh

as open as an eye.

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