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Issue 4.2

Summer 2024

Hannah Lee


This poem was a challenge I gave myself—to research a single object—and I found myself borrowing scientific language, which produced interesting results in a poetic space. The form came second but still intentional—and I swear it looks like an orange peel only by coincidence.



I         long        to
become  an  orange\eating
sun rays in hopes\of
sweetening my segments\juice vesicles wrapped\in layers underneath\the flavedo\a noun\the       way
an orange is not\a mandarin and                 the hearts\of friends do not resemble\that of lovers\albedo\th

e inner\lining
the pith\of the fruit\that is discarded\becau

se it is anything but\contains\not

hing but whiteness\leavi ng the chlorophyll\as I greedily drink\your light hoping\it will paint over\my green with carotene\and xanthophyll\but in  fear\that  it  will never mature\I eat the sour fruit whole

Hannah's Book Recommendations

A Cruelty Special to Our Species by Emily Jungmin Yoon 

Ward Toward by Cindy Juyoung Ok

When I Grow Up I Want to be a List of Further Possibilities by Chen Chen

Hannah Lee is a NYC Korean-American poet who processes her world through poetry. She is author of On the Other Side of the Magpie (Ghostbird Press, 2024) and the 2023 winner of The Birdhouse Prize. Her work has been featured in Encounters Magazine. She is a graduate from the Queens College MFA program and was an editor at Armstrong Literary.

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