Issue 2.3
Fall 2022

Kathleen Hellen
the lizard king/ the glyph
…and the faces of greed rushing past/ pinched and dried and impossible—Bukowski
the Exxon kisses double “x”-ed
fueling the subliminal
the empty hand that’s always digging in the gley in the gumbo
buried in the chains, in the long, linking decades
buy cheap, sell dear
other people’s labor
the tiny organisms
that live and die and sink like plankton
to the bottom
never sleeps
be careful of the sequels
this world, world, world stampedes like bulls into Khodynka Field
this world, world, world stampedes like bulls into Khodynka Field
this world, world, world stampedes like bulls into Khodynka Field
this world, world, world stampedes like bulls into Khodynka Field
this world, world, world stampedes like bulls into Khodynka Field
Kathleen Hellen’s collection Meet Me at the Bottom is forthcoming in Fall 2022 from Main Street Rag. Her credits include The Only Country Was the Color of My Skin, her award-winning collection Umberto’s Night, published by Washington Writers’ Publishing House, and two chapbooks, The Girl Who Loved Mothra and Pentimento.
Kathleen's Book Recommendations
Heard-Hoard (2021), Atsuro Riley
Sight Lines (2019), Arthur Sze
Deaf Republic (2019), Ilya Kaminsky
I have always troubled over what Adorno had said, that it was barbaric to write poetry after Auschwitz. One might say now that it is barbaric to write after Uvalde, after the assault on Ukraine, after the children in cages at the border...the list goes on. Still I write because it troubles me even more to be silent.